We put up the christmas tree because it is Heath's 1st Christmas and because we hosted the Higley family Christmas party here at grandpa's house. The party is passed and gone. It was a full house. We had Chinese food from ABC mandarin...ugggggghhh. Momma went back to work and the month of November just disapeared. Geez louise!! Baby Heath is going to be four months tomorrow! He is getting so big. Last night Heath stayed with Jennifer and her family while Josh and I went to a Jazz game. My work invited and we had a dinner on the floor of the locker room. We got to watch the team warm up and we got to see them walk back and forth to the locker room. Josh and I got put on the jumbo screen...we got to smooch. It was fun to go on a date and see Kyle Korver up close!!! Heath was glad to see momma and dad. Jennifer is so good to us to watch baby Heath!!!
What a cute fam!
Sounds like a fun night! It's good to get a night away from the kids. (Not like I would know).
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