It is a beautiful sabbath day! White. Heath loved it outside. He wanted so badly to lay in the snow and make a snow angel. We went to church today in the snow. We had to put the truck in four wheel drive. Heath loves to go to church and look at all the different faces and things. We had a great speaker today who spoke on forgivness and how spouses need to talk it out instead of not talking to each other. We are going over for dinner at dad and mom's house. They are so nice to have us over so much. Josh and I are going to try something this year...we are going to go sing to people! We will see how it goes. Heath is getting so strong. He wants to crawl so bad. He gets on his belly and kicks and pushes up with his arms. He just wants to go. Our nick names for him are....sweety, stink, heafers....momma's favorite sayings..."tome to momma"..."do want tum meelk?"..."just a sweet baby"...."goooooness"...."go git you!"..."dus a wittle baby." He is growing up too too fast. Love that baby boy!
So cute! He is growing up too fast.
Ezra just loves Heath. He was soo excited that he grabbed his finger and that Heath "talked" to him.
Ezra is going to be disappointed when our baby comes out and doesn't do much for a few months.
p.s. I hope we are lucky enough to hear your singing talents at our door. : )
He is so stinkin cute. It was fun to see you the other day.
He is just adorable! I love the pictures in his hat!
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