Heath is saying more sentences now. One of his favorite sentences is "I yike it." He is talking plenty now. Some of which does not make any sense at all. He is so silly. He loves to climb on daddy even though dad does not like it. He loves to kick the soccer ball all over. He loves walks & going to the park. Instead of saying poo or pee he now says 'peep.' He runs when I need to change his diaper. Little Berke is laughing & talking much. He is playing with toys & loves them. He laughs at Heath. He loves to eat his hand & fingers. These boys are so dang sweet. ewwwwwww. just love them.
I yike your little boys.. Emma loves to jump all over John too.. He's so good about it and gets her all riled up right before bedtime every night..
Love these pics and love this family!!!
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