Little Heath is so stinken' adorable as a dalmation. We took him to a trunk or treat on Friday & then to the facility on SAt. He got the trick or treating down. He would grab the candy & put it in the bag or throw it or give it to someone else. It was so fun. 

Greg & Tracy came into town. Heath knew exactly who they were & just fell in love with the extra attention. We went on the Sandia tramway. We went to Sante Fe & we ate & ate & ate.
Greg & Tracy came into town. Heath knew exactly who they were & just fell in love with the extra attention. We went on the Sandia tramway. We went to Sante Fe & we ate & ate & ate.
On sunday during sacrament meeting....Heath's toy got a short in it during the sacrament. It would not stop so Josh threw it out the window. So funny!!
We love grandma & grandpa Higley! They also made us a classic Sunday dinner with garden veggies. Yum...
Fun! Heath is toooooo cute!
What an adorable little dalmation!
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