Heath's 1st birthday!! We went to a park in ABQ & some people from the ward & work came to sing to Heath. He loved it. He got cake all over the place & then went & played in the sand & slide. He ate & ate cake & ice cream. Just like momma does.

We also went to the cabin....& grandpa took us on a hike. The whole family hiking brand new baby girls...Dasha & Sienna. Some of us complained, but it was beautiful. The lake was freezing cold. Jill, MJ, & Nikki got in it...crazy girls!!!! We took Heath on a four wheel ride. He had a blast.

THen we went to the Bees game with Tracy & Greg. tHen we went to Provo to see Josh's Mother & his aunt Belinda & some Crestview peoplez. Heath loved all the attention.

Then we went to good ole' Cherry Hill. It was Josh & Heath's first time. They loved it!!! Heath loved the water. He was so excited I am sure that he was incontinent of his bladder!!! Jennifer & her kids were there & Christi & her kids were there too. It was fun.

Also in Utah, Julie had to see her missionary friends. We met at a park and at some treats & hung out. Everyone is growing up. Dunston got married. Gregory had a kid. Hackett & Gregory were going to school!!! They are all crazy girlzzz.
Looks like a fun trip. Isn't it so fun to see family.
Oh Julie Heath is gettin soo big! Loved seeing all your pics! Love and miss you!
Good times! Fun Pics! Happy Birthday Heath!
I can't believe 1 year has gone by. What a cute little boy you have Julie! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun here in Utah. Wish I could've seen you. Glad to see you are doing well!!
Teresa Peterson (your little mexican friend)
Glad you are well- what a fun summer you had! Happy Birthday to the Heath-mytster!
Very cute BLOGgggg!!! =) Love all the pics and glad to hear all the news!! Put up pics of your belly now!!! Hope you are feeling well!! Love ya!!!
Wow Heath is 1! Thanks for the update-it is so nice to see how you and your cute family are doing!
Oh JULES!!! We missed you by like 2 weeks! We were out in Utah at the beginning of August! I'm so sad! Next time we're in florida, come to TALLY!!! Miss ya!!!
Hey, Savannah's fangs also came in first. Even though her front teeth are growing in, they are not as far in as the fangs, so unless she smiles really, really big, all you can see are her fangs.
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