Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Ok....finally updates to the BLOGgggg.
Heath's 1st birthday!! We went to a park in ABQ & some people from the ward & work came to sing to Heath. He loved it. He got cake all over the place & then went & played in the sand & slide. He ate & ate cake & ice cream. Just like momma does.

We also went to the cabin....& grandpa took us on a hike. The whole family hiking brand new baby girls...Dasha & Sienna. Some of us complained, but it was beautiful. The lake was freezing cold. Jill, MJ, & Nikki got in it...crazy girls!!!! We took Heath on a four wheel ride. He had a blast.

THen we went to the Bees game with Tracy & Greg. tHen we went to Provo to see Josh's Mother & his aunt Belinda & some Crestview peoplez. Heath loved all the attention.

Then we went to good ole' Cherry Hill. It was Josh & Heath's first time. They loved it!!! Heath loved the water. He was so excited I am sure that he was incontinent of his bladder!!! Jennifer & her kids were there & Christi & her kids were there too. It was fun.

Also in Utah, Julie had to see her missionary friends. We met at a park and at some treats & hung out. Everyone is growing up. Dunston got married. Gregory had a kid. Hackett & Gregory were going to school!!! They are all crazy girlzzz.
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