A bath tub from the year 1980 which is jetted.

No Grass.

cute kitchen.

sun room

Here it is. 3108 La Ronda in ALbuqueque, NM. WE LOVE OUR ADOBE!!!! It is a two bed room, two bath place. It has a sun room in the middle of the home. It also has sun lights throughout the home to light it up during the day to save energy! Going GREEEEEEEEEEEEen... By the way. Work is going well. Josh got a job at my work as a securtiy officer!!! hee hee. He works nights sat noc and sun noc. It will be good for him. I will next take pics of where I work to let y'all see that. Keep in touch. Keep those blogs updated. c yah.
That is a great home. It looks like you are all settled in. It sounds like everything is working out better than expected.
WOW your house looks so NICE! Minus the grass part! lol I can't wait to come out and see you! I'm glad that things are falling into place for you and Josh and that he was able to find a job so fast!
Hey J... I am sooo glad you are settled in and doing good! We will sure miss ya! Hope to see you soon! Love ya!
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