pete got to see the child that is named after him. Heath Gordon Tew. Maybe one day he will be called Pete too. I think Heath likes his grandpa!!!! Pete is gone hunting today with his friend Bobby. Grandpa Pete is a good man. He loves to tell stories and talk. We had fresh eggs from the chickens and fresh dug potatoes for breakfast yesterday. Yum. It is a beautiful fall day. We are going to a mission reunion tonight. Gloria, Tyler, Ava, and Josie came over today to get some apples. Heath was on his tummy outside and was looking from side to side loving the outside scenery. We are glad to have Pete with us for a few weeks. Heath loves his grandpa Pete 2!!!
Hey Jules! I love your blog! I have one too! Add me as a friend, and I'll add you as one too! I miss you! Kiss that little baby for me! Love love! Alyse
Yea!! I'm glad you are finally doing a blog. Now we can keep in touch more often. Remember to look at mine too. if you have trouble let me know.
Josh, your mom forwarded me the link to yalls blog. Heath is so cute, looks like yall are having a good time with him. Enjoy it, they grow up way too fast.
Hey Jules! I love your blog! I have one too! Add me as a friend, and I'll add you as one too! I miss you! Kiss that little baby for me! Love love!
Yea!! I'm glad you are finally doing a blog. Now we can keep in touch more often. Remember to look at mine too. if you have trouble let me know.
Hi guys,
Josh, your mom forwarded me the link to yalls blog. Heath is so cute, looks like yall are having a good time with him. Enjoy it, they grow up way too fast.
Sarah (Mikel) Blair
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