It rained so much this weekend! Heaths game got cancelled but Berke's did not. Berke played like an animal! He did so good!! He attacked the ball and scored 4 times!! He missed a few and could have scored even more!!
Friday, September 26, 2014
Smiles and more smiles. Sometimes I put him down to sleep and she makes right up!! She think she is done with her nap and is ready to play! Silly baby!!
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Working too much! It makes little pam a little insecure. She is very clingy to me after my work days. It is good for her to have dad to take care of her. I am used to it with all of our kids. I have worked with all of them. It has gotten easier with each one to leave them. It could be a lot worse. I am thankful for each minute i have with them.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Little Pam is a thumbsucker! None of the other babies did this. It is so cute! Burke is really good at getting ready by himself. I rarely have to tell him to do that, it is so nice. Berke works fast! The boys are going through a phase right now of fighting!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
We went to Winco again yesterday. It was fun! That was Josh's idea of FHE. I sleep in every day. It is not like me. I like to get up early and go to bed early. This night shift thing is not my cup of tea. Yuck! But I do feel I get to spend more time with my family. The boys are acting so crazy lately. It makes home life a bit stressful. Pam loves to grab towels and blankets and put the On her face.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Berke is so good at creating Lego art. He is very creative and works hard for what he wants.
I want to help people in my heart and lose sleep because I worry about them, but I lack in efforts of trying to help them.
Friday, September 19, 2014
This kid. Heath loves to ride his bike. He is doing well in kindergarten. He loves school. He has a friend Gavin at the bus stop and they have a secret handshake. Berke loves preschool. I love them both so much. Berke always wakes up early. Heath likes to sleep in.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
We sure like going on Tuesday nights to Barnes Park to watch Aleeya play softball. The boys left play at the playground and buy treats at the food stand. Aleeya is only pitcher on her team so it is fun to watch your picture a lot.
I had a little too much fun with some apps. I am so tired from working that shift I can't even think right now.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Josh came home from work early yesterday. He let me go on a run so I went for 7 miles. It was so awesome the air was nice and cool and the sun was shining. There were so many grasshoppers. I counted 140 something on the way home. The picture below is a praying mantis eating a grasshopper! He was going to town on that Hopper.
Friday, September 12, 2014
We went on a late night Winco run last night. They have a bulk area in which we go crazy in purchasing treats. We ate some treats and then had a veggie smoothie. We have been having veggie smoothies every night. Heath and berke are enjoying school. Heath does his homework right when he gets home so he can play with his friends. He loves his friend Gavin the most. He is his bus stop buddy. They even have a secret handshake. Berke loves to play with his preschool friend Payton. We have the best neighborhood ever!
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Sometimes this baby keeps us awake and makes us really tired. That is okay because she is so sweet! She is starting to coo more & it is so adorable.
Mj and I are having so much fun making bands. We hope to be able to sell them. We have not sold any of them, but we hope too!! So much fun!!
Monday, September 8, 2014
We babysit Isaac every Thursday morning. He is a sweet kiddo. Pam went swimming for the first time at the browers in nsl. Their home is like a castle. The pool was nice and heated. Heath and berke had their first soccer games. It was a wet mess!! Berke scored. Heath almost scored.