Sunday, March 11, 2012

March Maaaaadddnessss

More than ready for spring.  For the warmth of the sun and plenty of park time.  Heath's new obsession is his cowboy boots.  He has to wear them everywhere and he had to have the entire boot exposed.  No part of the boot can be covered by his pants.  Berkey's new obsession is his "beeahrds."  He loves Angry Birds on momm's phone.  Both boys are fully potty trained still.  We went to a hockey game last night.  The boys loved it!  The fights and the slams against the glass were exciting to them.  These 2 boys love each other so much and play well together.  They love to wrestle momma.  They love daddy.  We are getting excited for June to see 'grandpa!'  When Heath cries, he cries for 'grannnpa.'