Heath is famous for pitching some fits. He gets so mad sometimes. That is ok. So does momma. He had to sit in time out this morning for beating the dog. The dog's name is Lucky because he is lucky to be alive. The dog is back. We had him before & called him Edge...but he was too much to handle when he would poo on the couch & pee everywhere with a new baby on the way. So we gave him up to one of my nurses Loretta. She got tired of him as well & gave him back. Poor thing. I felt bad so I took him back. He is much better & behaves really well.
There are many soccer players in ABQ @ the parks. Heath is very good @ stealing the balls & going toward the players to try to play with them. Heath's nickname is 'Heath bar' & Berke's is 'Berkquerque.' Heath had a great 2nd b-day. He had a lot of people come & play with him @ Jerry Cline park & come sing happy birthday to him. He was so happy!!!! Some random people also gave him a soccer ball.